Winning the Mayor’s Design Award

I am proud to have won the Mayor’s Design Award for the restoration/renovation of my former Cliff May Home in Denver’s Harvey Park.

Not long ago, I moved out of my home of 3 years in Harvey Park. It was a bittersweet departure, because although I was looking forward to our next home (and major project) in Lynwood, my Cliff May Home in Harvey Park was where it all began.

We originally purchased the house as an investment property, having no notions of living there for any length of time. I still had my day job, and investing in real estate was simply a side-gig. But as we dove into this house on Lowell Boulevard, I really started to fall in love with the house, the neighborhood, and the ideas behind mid-century modern architecture. Before we knew it, we decided to make that house, which cleaned up better than we could have imagined, our home; and I decided to take this new-found passion for mid-century modern real estate and design and make it my mission!

And so I am really honored to have that house, the one that we put so much effort into restoring, and the one that pushed me into the mission of helping folks buy, sell, and preserve mid-century homes, recognized by the mayor as an achievement. It's not only a nice pat on the back for a job well done; it's a sure sign that this road I am going down is the right one. I am thrilled to move forward into what’s next! But before I do, here is a little tour of my former home in Harvey Park, winner, Mayor’s Design Award 2016: